Already know these 10 simple skincare tips?
Having good skin is as much about the products you use as it is about your skin care practices. Here are 10 simple activities or things you should incorporate into your daily skin care routine, if you are not doing so already.
1. Have a separate towel for your face. It is important to keep the towel you use for the rest of your body separate from the one you use to dry your face. It is also important that you are as gentle with your face as possible. For example, do not rub your face dry, instead pat it dry.
2. Change the pillowcase of your pillow more often. How often greatly depends on the state of your skin, however, if you have oily skin or acne prone oily skin, you may want to change the pillowcase of your pillow more often than others. At the very least you have to change that pillow case every week.
3. Before you go to bed use an oil such as castor oil or Shea butter to moisturize the eye area. Now some of us may have eye creams for that, but if you don’t, you will find that these two products work very well. You may even notice longer and thicker eyelashes *wink*.
4. This one you should already know, however, I will repeat it just in case. Wash your face before you go to bed. unfortunately, I have caught myself doing this a few times, but it really helps if you have face wipes next to the bed for times that you are either super lazy or super tired. Of course, if you are one to wear makeup, then you absolutely can’t skip this step. Wash it off and if you are too tired or lazy, clean it off. Your skin will love you for it and you will love it way more in return.
5. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize, Find a good moisturizer or oil to keep your face hydrated each time you wash it in the morning and before you go to bed.
6. Find 20 minutes in your busy week for a facial. Face masks can be expensive, but your kitchen is your friend, you will find that it has all the stuff you need for an effective do-it-yourself (DIY) facial.
7. Oh, invest in a good sunscreen for your face and start wearing it more often too.
8. This tip should be familiar to you as well, stop touching your face! I know, It’s a difficult one since this action is often times done unconsciously, however, you are a little more conscious when popping those pimples and you don’t want to do that, especially if you have darker skin. It will leave blemishes and scarring and we don’t want that!
9. Start making use of hands free calling. The amount of bacteria and germs on your cell or mobile phone is shocking. When the amount of bacteria and germs on your cell phone is comparable with a public toilet, you don’t want that thing near your face if you can help it.
10. As for the rest of your body, I only have two words and that is “moisturize” and “scrub”, You can moisturize either with a cream or a lightweight oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil and almond oil. If you prefer something much thicker especially in the winter months you can go for oils like olive oil, Shea butter and castor oil.
To boost your body cream during the dry months, mix an oil of your choice into your body cream. Once in awhile, you may want to give yourself a good body scrub, especially, in those summer months when you want to show off your skin. Your skin will not only be soft and smooth it will be radiant as well. Who does not want that?